(773) 236-4755

Welcome Back: Sunday, June 21st

Transition From Virtual Connection to In-Person Experiences
As stay-at-home orders expire and we begin the process of re-opening our doors, we’re committed to honoring the guidelines put in place by our federal, state and local governments, while gradually providing more interactive experiences for our church family.
What sanitation and personal protection practices are in place?
  • For your health and safety, we will thoroughly sanitize the building’s surfaces and seats before and after each service.
  • We’ve moved to a two-service format (9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.) to accommodate a modified seating arrangement that allows families and individuals to practice social distancing.
  • We ask that everyone maintain the proper six-foot distance from others while on the property.
  • Members of our staff and volunteer team who come in direct contact with people will wear masks.
  • Offering envelopes will be self-serve from the seat in front of you. If you’re on the front row, an usher wearing gloves will hand you an envelope. As always, you’re welcome to give online at maranathafamilychurch.org/give or text “MC” and the dollar amount to 28950.
How do I find my seat?
  • Our usher team will assist families and individuals in finding seats as they enter the sanctuary.
  • If you seat yourself, please make sure there are at least two seats between you and the family next to you.
How early may I arrive?
  • To allow smooth traffic flow, and to minimize the number of people in the building together, we kindly ask that you arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before your chosen service begins.
Will children and youth still have services?
  • For now, there will be no children’s and youth services until further notice.
When will Wednesday services, groups and other activities resume?
  • We monitor state, local and federal policies daily, and we will communicate to you as soon as we believe it’s safe to take the next step toward a complete re-opening. We look forward to that day, very soon, when our services, groups and events will be unrestricted!
What if I’m experiencing symptoms, or I’m not ready to assemble in a large group?
  • Our 9:30am service will be streamed live! Here are the ways you can still be a part:
Healing School and Wednesdays
We know our local congregation is ready to be back in, but for now, our Tuesday Healing School and Wednesday night bible services will continue virtually. We encourage you to watch them via our FaceBook and YouTube pages.
Don’t Forget
Though we’re physically apart, we’re spiritually together! Remember that we love you, God loves you, and Always Remember Jesus!

Copyright 2025 | Maranatha Family Church | Stephen & Candy LaFlora